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AVISA directly provides its members with a wide variety of services:

Information circulars

Those of common interest to all three sectors are aimed at all member companies. Targeted and tailored information is also provided, as required, for sectors/areas of specific interest to individual product groups.

Documentary Data Base

An electronic archive which contains more than 26.000 documents (circulars, information, reports of meetings, relevant rules and regulations, etc) is available. The Data Base is reserved solely for member companies and requires a password. More than 30.000 member representetives can have access to it. A sophisticated search engine facilitates document consultation.


These deal with specific topics, in order to enlarge upon, consolidate and  disseminate among member companies knowledge and experience of interest to the industry.


The Association organises Seminars on various topics of interest to the member companies (technical, legal and other issues).

Technical Committee

Its task is to:

  • keep track of and acquire documentation on technical and legal issues affecting member companies (environment, product liability, etc.);
  • follow and analyse developments in Community Directives (and their transposition into national law), Regulations and national legislation affecting the activities of the sectors represented;
  • activate restricted working groups for in-depth study of critical issues and the drafting of technical guidelines and monographs.


In collaboration with AITIVA (Associazione Italiana Tecnici delle Industrie delle Vernici e Affini, Italian Association of Technicians of the Paints and Similar Substances Industries) and with Innovhub - SSOG (Stazione Sperimentale Oli e Grassi, Oils and Fats Testing Station), AVISA manages a continuous training programme in the field of surface coatings and similar professions (forVER), whose aim is to provide essential targeted support for the technical training of operators in this sector.

Internationalizzations programmes

Meetings are planned within the framework of these programmes with international operators interested in establishing commercial relations with the production sectors represented by AVISA.

Presence in International Organisations
The Association liaises with European Associations through its membership of CEPE (Conseil Européen de l’Industrie des Peintures, des Encres d’Imprimerie et des Couleurs d’Art, European Council of producers and importers of Paints, Printing Inks and Artists’ Colours Industry), and FEICA (Fédération  Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs, Association of European Adhesives and Sealants Manufacturers).